Third Regional Meeting of Women in STEM Network

The third regional meeting of Women in STEM Network was held on October 19-20, 2022 in Skopje. The previous meeting took place in Budva.
The RCC presented its Women in STEM promotional campaign “Choose STEM Future” which will go public soon.
The participants of the network engaged in active discussion and shared their views and suggestions about the campaign.
The participants agreed to avoid stereotyping and to focus on the impact that STEM role models make in their communities.
Dora Marosvolgyi presented the EU funding opportunities on behalf of the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT).
The Network participants discussed the next practical steps including the structure and content of possible mentorship programme, the continuation of the promotion of Women in STEM Network through and Stem4All, exchanged opinions on public policies of interest for the Network's sustainability, and reflected on opportunities for intensifying cooperation within regional networks of international organizations.
The conclusions of the third regional meeting of Women in STEM Network are summed up below.
The UNDP Montenegro office will ensure the coordination of the Network.
All members of the Network will provide key data about themselves to boost the social media campaign and future mentorship program.
Members of the Network will create a draft proposal on the concrete steps to implement a mentorship scheme.
UNDP will provide a gender equality training in the first quarter of 2023.
Regular monthly (online) meetings will allow taking stock of the Network's developments and further actions.
The members will expand on an idea to develop a regional competition in STEM fields for children.
Research the possibilities for engaging local student organisations or NGOs to help organising local events and popularize the network.
The Meeting was organised by the RCC in coordination with the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)