Eureka R&D Danube Region Call for Innovative Projects

Eureka R&D Danube Region Call for Innovative Projects is open from 1 March 2022 until 30 June 2022.
The funding bodies from Austria, Albania, Croatia, France, Germany, Hungary, Montenegro, Poland and Slovakia have allocated funding for organisations collaborating on international R&D projects.
Your project application will be reviewed according to our Network projects evaluation methodology.
Overall evaluation
- Is the market properly addressed (i.e. size, access and risks)?
- Is the value creation properly addressed (i.e. employment opportunities and environmental and societal benefits)?
- What are the competitive advantages of your project (i.e. strategic importance, enhanced capabilities and visibility)?
- Are your commercialisation plans clear and realistic (i.e. return on investment, geographical and sectoral impact)?
- What is the degree of innovation? (i.e. is the proposed product, process or service state-of-the-art? Is there sufficient technological maturity and risk)?
- How is the new knowledge going to be used?
- Is your project scientifically and technically challenging for consortium partners?
- Is the technical achievability and risk properly addressed?
Quality and efficiency of implementation
- What is the quality of your consortium (i.e. balance of the partnership and technological, managerial and financial capabilities of each partner)?
- Is there added value through international cooperation?
- Is your project management and planning realistic and clearly defined (i.e. methodology, planning approach, milestones and deliverables)?
- Is your cost structure reasonable (i.e. costs and financial commitment for each consortium partner)
Overall perception
Experts will list three positive and negative points to each application and finally state whether they recommend your project for public investment.
Note that funding bodies in each economy may carry out a further evaluation (performed by their project coordinator and technical experts) according to rules before allocating funds to successful applicants.
Eligibility criteria
Eureka has limited eligibility criteria for organisations participating in a Network projects consortium:
- Your project idea must represent international cooperation in the form of a specific project.
- The project must be directed at researching or developing an innovative product, process or service with the goal of commercialisation.
- The project must have a civilian purpose.
- Your consortium must include at least two independent legal entities from a minimum of two Eureka economies.
- No single organisation or economy can be responsible for more than 70% of the project budget.
Each participating funding body may have additional eligibility criteria based on their economy's regulations.
You are strongly advised, before submitting your application, to contact such funding bodies to discuss your project idea and verify your and your project’s eligibility.
This is a bottom-up call, with no thematic restrictions.
Your project consortium must include organisations based in a minimum of two of the countries listed.
In addition to those partners, partners from other Eureka countries or countries outside of Eureka can also participate, provided their public funding or self-funding is secured within the call for projects deadlines.
If required by your economy's funding body, project participants must also submit a national funding application, considering all relevant national procedures, deadlines and submission rules.
Eureka R&D Danube Region Call for Innovative Projects Timeline
All applicants are invited to check the section “funding information” for detailed information.
You can submit your Eureka R&D project application for this call for projects between 1 MAR 2022 and 30 JUN 2022.
The Eureka Network will provide eligibility feedback to applicants by 20 July 2022, while the actual evaluation will stretch from July until October 2022.
The final decision on the Eureka label procedure and funding will be made by November 2022.
Note that projects are envisaged to start between December 2022 and February 2023.
Each project's duration should be up to 36 months.