Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Programme

The Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Programme (RYLMP) for 2022/23 call is open to the youth (21-30 years old) from academia and civil society organizations, young professionals and youth activists.
The Programme welcomes youth from Albania, North Macedonia and Serbia interested in informed and data-driven advocacy, leadership, activism, and intercultural exchange, and in strengthening regional cooperation.
The programme is launched by the Center Science and Innovation for Development (SCiDEV - Albania), Centre for Education Policy (CEP - Serbia) and Youth Educational Forum (YEF - North Macedonia). This programme is financed by the Open Society Foundation (hereinafter “OSF”) offices in Albania, Serbia and North Macedonia.
Regional Youth Leadership Mobility Programme application
Candidates shall apply with their individual proposals for informed and data-driven advocacy actions focusing on one of the topics:
- Regional cooperation,
- Education and employability,
- Migration and brain drain,
- Youth participation and
- Youth action for the environment.
In summary, potential participants will have the opportunity to:
- Take part in the launching event where they will be teamed up with their peers from the other respective countries depending on their topic of interest
- Take part in online/offline training modules related to data collection (e.g. different data collection methodologies and tools, desk research, conducting interviews, reviewing documents, secondary data analysis, policy document writing, etc) in order to have solid evidence-based foundation for their advocacy activities
- Take part in a mobility programme of up to 9 weeks in total in Belgrade, Tirana and Skopje, where the teams will do research and collect data relevant to their topic of interest
- Develop evidence-based or data-driven advocacy actions and their implementation plans in order to address the issues and advocate for solutions on the issue they have been working on
- Take part in the final event which will serve to disseminate the findings from their work during the mobility period.
RYLMP 2022/3 will provide financial support to selected candidates in the form of the mobility grant covering: travel, accommodation and living costs during the mobility in each country; travel and accommodation and per diems for opening and final conference and other costs related to the advocacy actions
The application deadline is December 22, 2022.
Please feel free to share this information with colleagues and researchers from your organization/institution who might fit the profile and have interest to participate.
You can read more about the application process here.