Technology Transfer Offices Support Call

Cross-border pipeline development for Technology Transfer Offices in the Western Balkans call is open until 16 September 2022.
The Regional Cooperation Council (RCC) is looking for a qualified consultant to support Technology Transfer Offices (TTOs) in the Western Balkans region.
The specific purpose of the assignment is to:
- provide follow-up capacity building to the region’s TTOs through
- building a pipeline of ambitious project concepts/proposals that would be suitable for existing cross-border funding opportunities and
- additionally encourage regional cooperation and networking.
The consultancy aims to support the activities undertaken by the RCC in the framework of the implementation of the Common Regional Market Action Plan 2021-2024 (CRM).
The CRM’s Regional Innovation Area component aims to assist the development of a regional innovation ecosystem. Among other things, this includes the development of innovation infrastructure in the region.
Qualified experts are invited to submit their applications in line with the Open Call for Consulting Services.