NI4OS-Europe pan-European Open Call

NI4OS-Europe opened a pan-European call that will enable FREE Access to RELIABLE HPC, Cloud, Data & Storage services and repositories.
NI4OS-Europe pan-European open call for proposals is a great opportunity for European scientists and researchers to access a broad set of services and repositories that have been on-boarded to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC), free of charge.
These are computing resources (HPC and Cloud), storage, as well as data services, datasets, software and scientific manuscripts, available through the NI4OS-Europe catalogue,
NI4OS Europe project
National Initiatives for Open Science in Europe – NI4OS Europe, aims to be a core contributor to the European Open Science Cloud (EOSC) service portfolio. It commits to EOSC governance and ensures inclusiveness on the European level for enabling global Open Science.
The key actions of the NI4OS-Europe project are to
- support the development and inclusion of the national Open Science Cloud initiatives in 15 Member States and Associated Countries in the EOSC governance,
- promote within the community the EOSC philosophy and FAIR principles for data Findability, Accessibility, Interoperability and Reusability, and
- provide technical and policy support for on-boarding of service providers into EOSC, including generic services (compute, data storage, data management), thematic services, repositories and data sets.
Find additional information about the project on
Who can apply?
The call is addressed to scientists and researchers that work in academic and research institutions in EU member states and associated countries, with the special focus on the scientific communities of Life Sciences, Climatology, Digital Cultural Heritage and Computational Physics.
Important dates:
- Open: 11 April 2022
- Close: 25 May 2022
To apply visit NI4OS-Europe Open Call website:
NI4OS-Europe Access Team is available to answer questions while the call is open. You can contact the access team by sending e-mail to: