AMULET 1st Open Call for SMEs
![Amulet SMEs open call](
AMULET is looking for SMEs to develop lightweight materials for the automotive, aerospace & aeronautics, energy and building sectors.
Small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) from Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, North Macedonia, Montenegro, and Serbia are eligible to apply.
What is AMULET?
The AMULET acronym stands for the Advanced Materials & Manufacturing United for LightwEighT.
AMULET is a HORIZON 2020 project that aims to exploit the innovation potential of SMEs through a cross-sectoral and funded knowledge exchange.
The project will focus on three advanced lightweight materials: light metal alloys, ceramic matrix composites, polymer-based composites.
The goal of AMULET is to create new value chains by fostering the penetration of the four sectors.
Who & how can apply?
Projects must be proposed by a micro-consortium of a minimum 2 and maximum of 3 legal entities, exclusively SMEs.
Read the official Guide for Applicants to ensure you have all the details regarding the applications and evaluation.
Have a look at the Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)to check the answers to the doubts you might have.
Then Apply!
What are the benefits?
- Self-sustainable business framework and new market opportunities;
- Funding support to up to 26 projects in the Feasibility Study Stage;
- Funding support to up to 7 projects in the Demonstration and Follow up Stage;
- Continuous support in technical and business topics through educational materials.
Applications are open until 30th of June 2022.