3 Calls to Access JRC Nuclear Research Infrastructures

The JRC has launched 3 calls to access JRC nuclear research infrastructures in Karlsruhe (DE).
The Actinide user Laboratory of the Joint Research Centre launched 3 calls to access its nuclear facilities to researchers and scientists from EU Member States and to countries associated to the Euratom Research Programme (UK* and Ukraine).
More about JRC Nuclear Research Infrastructures
PAMEC, Properties of Actinide Materials under Extreme Conditions (ActUsLab)
HC-KA, Hot Cell Laboratory (ActUsLab)
FMR, Fuels and Materials Research (ActUsLab)
Priority topics of PAMEC
- Preparation of actinide compounds and complexes in various forms (Thin films, bulk polycrystals, single crystals) and small quantities, suitable for physical measurements.
- Characterization of actinide materials by X-ray diffraction
- Measurements of their Physical Properties by a large array of microscopic and macroscopic techniques under extreme conditions of temperature, magnetic field and pressure.
- Preparation of samples for external measurements in large facilities (synchrotrons, neutron sources, accelerators).
- Fundamental research on materials and methods related to nuclear safety
Priority topics of HC-KA
- Applied research on materials and methods related to the spent fuel nuclear safety
- Spent fuel long term mechanistic release process of interest for geological disposal
- R&I activities for the characterisation of radioactive waste including new waste forms
- R&D on the stability and safe conditioning of damaged fuel ("corium")
Priority topics of FMR
- Synthesis and characterisation of actinide-containing materials relevant for the assessment of nuclear safety standards (oxides, ceramics…).
- Safety-related characterisation of new forms of nuclear fuels, including molten salts.
- Laboratory simulation of nuclear power plant severe accident conditions.
- Advanced methods for the synthesis of nuclear material assemblies, for Generation IV nuclear power plants, including transmutation targets, or for space applications.
- Exploratory research for the development of new scientific concepts, testing of new equipment or materials.
- Mode:
Relevance Driven - Identifier:
- Location:
Karlsruhe, Germany - Opening of the call:
2022-01-28 - Closure of the call:
2022-02-28 - Communication of the assessment of proposals:
Support of users for travel and subsistence
The JRC may provide a financial or in-kind contribution to support Users to cover their costs of travel and subsistence (T&S) related to the User Stay Days, subject to the availability of funds, personnel and other resources to Users from Users’ Institutions located in an EU Member State or country associated to the Euratom Research Programme (only United Kingdom* and Ukraine).
For more details, eligibility, support and guidance please access the dedicated call page: https://ec.europa.eu/jrc/en/research-facility/open-access